Senin, 27 Juni 2011

Bunk Bed Shopping

Executive summary about bunk bed by S.A. Smith

If you follow our 6 point safety checklist, bunk beds can still be a great bedding solution for your children:

1. ASTM and CPSC guidelines

Ask the retailer if it meets the voluntary safety guidelines of the American Standards of Testing and Materials and the minimum safety standards of the Consumer Product Safety Commission. If it does, you'll know that the bed meets all current and reasonable safety standards.

2. Strong frame construction

Examine and test the durability and strength of the bunk bed frame. A good bunk bed with remain firmly grounded without movement.

3. Only rounded edges

Check the entire bed construction for smoothness of materials and fasteners.

4. Measure the safety rails

Make sure the top rail is at least 5 inches above the mattress top to prevent your child from rolling over the safety rails.

5. Ensure proper mattress fit

Make sure the mattress opening snugly fits the elite mattress without a lot adjustment room.

6. Sturdy mattress support

A lot of injuries are caused by children in the lower bunks pushing up on the underside of the top bunk and dislodging the mattress or support frame. Ensure the top bunk has sturdy mattress supports that are secured to the bed frame with bolts.

Mattress Buying Checklist For First Time Buyers

Executive summary about elite mattress by John Warraich

Mattresses are designed for different needs. Every best mattress is made to suit different people. Following are some of the checks that Mattress Queen team has come up with after some primary research and collecting reviews from purchasers, sleep experts and mattress salesmen.

1. It might be your first time buying a mattress. Try lying down with different positions on the mattress before you buy it. Repeat the same with different mattresses till you find your "best" queen sized mattress.

2. Firmer is better. Not always. Firmer mattresses are usually the most popular mattresses, but that doesn't mean they're better at preventing back pain. A mattress that's too soft can also cause back problems.

3. Higher coil counts are better. Are they? When you talk to a mattress salesperson, they'll probably tell you that a higher coil count will result in better sleep and a more durable mattress. But keep in mind that some mattresses offer more coils but use thinner wire, and others with thicker wire and fewer coils. That doesn't mean you should just throw your hands up and sleep on the floor. Just don't spend more than you intended to if you can't physically feel a difference.

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