Jumat, 17 Juni 2011

Professional Tips for Preparing Pain Free

Executive summary about a healthier spine by Alan L. Hammond

When proper technique is not utilized, regardless of the sport, excessive stress is placed on the spine, resulting in pain and injury. When presented with a patient suffering back pain, Dr. Duvall differs from many healthcare professionals in his philosophy of treating back injury. “Treatment must be aimed at the individual with the back problem rather than the back problem itself,” says Duvall. Athletes seeking to avoid back pain should first visit a physician, physical therapist and obtain a sport-specific training program. Starting such a training program and adhering to Dr. Duvall’s healthy back checklist will help alleviate and prevent future back pain and injury.

1. Visit a physical therapist or chiropractor well versed with the athlete’s specific sport physical assessment and conditioning program.

2. Implement a sport-specific warm-up routine prior to practicing.

Body Tune Up Checklist

Dr. Cathy Craven, a Physiatrist with the Spinal Cord Program at Toronto Rehab’s Lyndhurst Centre developed a “Tune-Up Checklist” for individuals living with a spinal cord injury.

1. Carry your autonomic dysreflexia management card in your wallet

2. Prevent pressure sores through routine pressure relief, and regular cushion checks

3. Ask your doctor if you require sleep apnea screening tests

4. Ask your doctor to check your heart rate, blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol every year

5. Check your weight and maintain a healthy body mass index

6. Practice your stress reduction strategies

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